Hi, you probably shouldn’t be on this page! This page primarily exists so I can keep my URL navigation straightforward while keeping the transcript URLs short, so QR codes don’t have to be super huge.
If you want information about Roy Kaplan in general, including all relevant links on where to listen to the show or how to support production, head back to the Roy Kaplan project page. You can also click that nice cover art over in the sidebar.
If you’re looking to listen to episodes or read transcripts or blog posts for the first season, Out of Sight, check out the Out of Sight navigation page.
If you want to read blog posts related to Roy Kaplan, check out tagged blog posts.
If you want to tell me what you think about Roy Kaplan, you can send me an email at roykaplan [at] thepinwheellab.com! I can’t guarantee I’ll respond, but I should get it!
Thanks for your interest in Roy Kaplan and happy listening :)